The original goal of this web site was to describe day hikes in the Albuquerque area. There are many great guides to local hikes, but my own list includes a few additional options. To see the hikes, click on the "Hikes" tab in the navigation bar. I'll also include a few ideas about hiking practices and gear in the desert Southwest, under the "Hiking Skills" tab or at times as a blog.
This web site looks better on a large screen. Since I'm from the stone age of computer use, that's how I think and design. Apologies to all those who access the web site via their smart phone.
In 2015 I started a YouTube channel. In the past few years, due to advancing age, I've spent less time walking and more time stopping to take pictures. In 2017 I started separate pages of nature photos, which you can find by clicking on one of the tabs at the top. After starting a Pinterest page in 2021, to highlight a few nature photos, in 2023 I switched to Instagram for that purpose.
If you're looking for downloadable larger-format images, try these pages: 2013–2022 images, 2023 images, 2024 images, and 2025 images.
If you'd like to contact me, you'll find a tab for that at the top. My copyright statement is under the "About" tab.